MASS features the Mass in B-flat by Josef Rheinberger and Maurice Duruflé's Messe Cum Jubilo. Recorded under the resounding dome of St. Ignatius Church, MASS is the culmination of two years of work and is part of our continuing effort to bring the rich tradition of men's chorus music to Bay Area audiences. MASS IN B-FLAT, OP. 172, Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839 - 1901) MESSE "CUM JUBILO", OP. 11, Maurice Duruflé (1902 - 1986) Locus iste, Anton Bruckner (1824 - 1896) Inveni David, Anton Bruckner (1824 - 1896) Hymne, Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839 - 1901) Ainsi Qu'on, Claude Goudimel (c1505 - 1572) VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS Choral Variations from PRELUDÉ, ADAGIO ET CHORAL VARIÉ SUR LE THÈME DU "VENI CREATOR", OP. 4 (1930), Maurice Duruflé (1902 - 1986) VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS (GREGORIAN CHANT) from THE GRADUALE ROMANUM, Gilles de Binchois (1400 - 1460), Rabanus Maurus (776 - 856) Sicut lilium, Antoine Brumel (c.1460 - c.1520) O Salutaris Hostia, Andre Caplet (1878 - 1925)
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